

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Winter Day

Hi all! So I'm pretty sure I kind of don't exactly have this blog thing figured out yet, but nonetheless I'm really loving being able to write again. Today after two days of being snowed in I was finally emancipated and ventured out on a trip to the mall with mom. I felt a bit like a greedy kid in a candy store as I used my Christmas money to go moderately insane. Yet, my justification is that this is the one time of year I'm able to do this. <<< Selfish. Following my shopping extravaganza mom and I had a lovely dinner at the Cheesecake Factory which is possibly the best creation known to man. Mom got a nice steak with mashed potatoes and I scarfed down their delicious Greek salad. We shared fried mac and cheese and I also enjoyed a strawberry lemonade. The diet starts tomorrow, is the lie I've been telling myself everyday for the past several months.
Following the mall I went home to get ready for my friend Matt's party. I don't think I will ever find someone with more of a free spirit than this boy has. He has been egging me and our other best friend to go somewhere extreme on New Years Eve (he's not sure where he wants to go yet). We'll see. Oh, and no the party was not the typical wild teen parties you seen in the movies. I guess this could be classified as more of a get together. My friend Heather drove us to the party and I hung out with her, Matt and a friend of Matts for most of the night.

Well, for the first time in weeks I think I'm off to bed before 3. Tonight I might just refrain from staying up, being unproductive, and burning my eyes out before the computer screen. Or perhaps I'll do just that and begin a new post. I saw someone posted a list of facts about themselves; this looked rather amusing. For now, I'll say goodnight.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Beginner in the Blogosphere

In Need of a Hobby on this Snowy December day ^^^

Hello World! Although the facts reveal that I have been meditating on this whole blog idea for eons (allegedly I established this account in 2007, yet never composed any posts, whoops!), I am proud to say that I am finally ready to take on the task. I am pleasantly surprised that being snowed in my house today has proved to be beneficial. After re-developing my account and patting myself on the back for accomplishing this meager task, I virtually demolished this act of self-congratulation after discovering that I still needed a topic to write about! I thought, is there anything interesting that an eighteen year old college girl could say about the world? Do I really have anything to offer you guys? Dolefully, I scavenged the internet in search of a good blog topic, realizing a cruel irony - I was searching scores of sites for an intriguing topic to write, an astonishingly un-original way to go about this whole thing. After some time a light went off, and I thought to myself; I want to write about life! Thus, as the New Year approaches there are a few things I will be documenting each day:

  1. People
  2. Relationships
  3. Astonishing experiences/places
  4. New books read/movies watched
  5. Advice/opinions on the previous four topics
  6. New additions to my writing, aka a Microsoft Word Document entitled "Late Night Writing" that I desperately desire will someday be more than a Word Document.

My goal is ultimately, to blog at least one post per day throughout the New Year (2011) and hopefully to provide all of you guys with something valuable to take with you.

Wishing everyone the best on this frigid December day. A domani : )